How do you cope when life throws you lemons?


When faced with uncertainty, are you aware of how you cope?

The world and all its troubles can be very scary at times and very overwhelming. When times like these hit us, we have many choices we can make to either help us get through the hard times or choices that can make it harder for us to manage them. During these hard times, it can also be a great way to reflect on your life and how you cope and manage stress. There is not a lot that we can control in this world. However, what we can control is how we cope with our thoughts and emotions. Oftentimes, we don’t realize how we deal with our fears and anxieties. We may shut down and feel numb because we are unable to process the current situation. We may start crying for no apparent reason or lash out at loved ones or even strangers. We may start to eat a little more food than normal or more sweets than we might care for. Or use anything, such as alcohol or marijuana, to help us shut out what we cannot control. We may also cope with difficult situations by going for walks, getting enough sleep, and creating and maintaining a healthy routine that supports our well-being instead of tearing us down. Everything we do, eat, drink, who we hang out with, what we watch and read, impacts us on some level. It may have no real effect in the moment, or we may be able to see that it impacts us greatly either in a positive or negative way.

With the current situation our world and country is dealing with, and with all the precautions, shut downs, and quarantines that have been put into place, it can be very easy to shut down and cope in ways that create more harm for us and that don’t support our well-being. Our thoughts can further our depression and anxiety that sends us spiraling out of control. Being able to stop and take the time to re-asses what you’re thinking, how you’re feeling, and then assessing how you want to cope with these thoughts and emotions can become the start of a new chapter in your life while you’re on your journey. You have the ability to change how you want to think and feel about situations, people, and life in general so why not take a few moments to pause and reflect on these things. When we take the time to care for ourselves and how we think and feel, we are better able and equipped to take care of the people around us. We are able to pause in a more difficult situation and express gratitude and thankfulness for what we do have and what we do have control over. We are able to stay present with loved ones and support them with their own thoughts and emotions without lashing out.

Here is a list of 10 possible coping skills or self-care strategies you could give a try to see how it may support your well-being and how you cope when life throws you lemons.

1. Create a healthy morning and bedtime routine that supports your well-being so you feel like you are getting adequate sleep and eating healthy and nutritious foods.

2. Exercise/ go for a walk/ have a dance party

3. Paint/color/draw/scrapbook

4. Karaoke on YouTube/play a game

5. Have a spa day by giving yourself a facial, manicure, pedicure

6. Listen to music or podcasts that support your well-being and help you manage fears, anxieties, and depression

7. Call or video chat with a friend or loved one that you have been saying you need to catch up with the past several weeks/months

8. Watch your favorite t.v. show or movie

9. Learn a new skill/instrument/ or practice the instrument you already know how to play

10. Journal about your experiences, thoughts, emotions, and then what you’re grateful for.

11. Meditate/deep breathe/ stretch/yoga

12. Bonus: Read a book that supports your well-being and how you want to move forward in your life.


Help! I think I might need therapy…